
Why are so many college dropouts successful in their life?

- 21:30

It’s true there are successful college dropouts. It’s also true many more fail.

The best way to look at it is by a case-by-case basis. The majority of people dropout due to lack of motivation, poor grades, excessive partying, etc.
The “thing” that separates successful dropouts from unsuccessful ones, is the successful ones do not dropout of learning and doing. They simply take a different route to achieve a common goal.

As already noted, no one cares much about the ones who failed, and you only hear about people such as Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg who created world-changing companies.

But there are plenty of successful people on a  more “normal” scale who never completed college.

College doesn’t make you successful or teach you things you cannot learn elsewhere. It is simply a stamp of certification and if you graduate it shows that you can commit to something and complete assigned requirements.

Most people should go that route if you’re looking for a “white-collar” job. However, there are and always will be, people with different skill-sets, mentalities and preferences.

You don’t have to change the world to be considered successful, nor do you have to complete college.

The bottom line is you have to work on things that matter. Give yourself a real opportunity and seize it.

Post Credit: Brandon Pindulic, the 21 years old dropout.


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