
The bad teacher

- 06:15

Bad teacher makes you want to skip school, dream of going home very early to sit over a plate of food.


A bad teacher would make you sleep while teaching is going on. A bad teacher would come in unprepared and unintelligent about the students.

A bad teacher would come in like a leader who plans to fight corruption in an autocratic and unplanned manner.

You would always have a reason why you did not complete or fail the assignment a bad teacher gave you.

A bad teacher would be writing nonsense like I am doing right now and you the bad student will be busy reading it and trying to apportion blames to the terrible teacher you had in school.

At every stage in your life, you are playing a role in someone's life. People are either looking up to you in a positive or negative way.

You are the teacher!

Consciously or Unconsciously, someone is picking your habits, approach to things as you do. Someone is duplicating your behavior!

Start taking notice of it today!

Who are you? A bad or good teacher?


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