1. Buy a flight ticket to an airport in Washington
Buzz the gate and ask for a guy named Bill. Hopefully, he or Melinda is home.
If yes, kindly ask for 180 million dollars by next week.
2. Acquire the emails of 180 million people and ask for $1 from each of them.
3. Draw some scribbles on a canvas and then throw some paint on it (literally) and say that someone who is dead painted it and sell it for 180 million on eBay or something.
I am currently trying the third option, but no one is buying it. Maybe I need more scribbles….
I am still laughing at this response from Brandon Hunt. He is just a clown!
On a serious note: If you must make 180 million dollars, you must start from somewhere. Start a business today. Allow it to grow and learn from the practising experts. Million dollars would be a game!