<b><i>Its not what happens to you that counts but what you do about it</i> - Unknown</b>
As Jim Rohn will say, its not the direction of the wind that determines the destination of the ship but the direction of the sail.
HE goes further to say, it rains on everyone.
Everyone here refers to both the Rich, poor, wise, foolish, educated, uneducated etc.
Everyone goes through different seasons but some end up with bountiful harvest while some only end up with complains and regrets.
One season is the ECONOMIC RECESSION.
this might be a season some people are waiting to see its end before they do something.
While some others are so happy and grateful because it has helped them discover things about themselves they never knew.
But in reality, seasons like this elicits the leaders from the followers.
As leaders remain proactive and keep seeing opportunities, the followers and reactive people only keep seeing more and more problems.
As Tony Robbins will always say 'Its not the lack us resources that holds us back but the lack of resourcefulness'.
When we are always resourceful, resources always come around.
So I challenge you today to be resourceful and suspend the excuses because thats what separates you from the other majority.
Have a fantastic day!