
Sponsored: I died last week

- 03:49

I was somewhere at Lekki, I was stuck in the traffic and needed to call home to tell my husband to help me pick up the kids from school.
I called his line for the 10th time and his line was switched off. So many thoughts ran through my mind. What could he be doing? What is happening to him? Could something bad have happened to him?

The man I’m married to in the last 10 years, would not intentionally switch off his phone. Now, I have drifted from worrying about my kids to worrying about my husband.

What do I do? It is not possible to get home before 9pm today considering the level of traffic on this road. Dead worried, I almost bumped into the next car in front of me.

An hour later, I was still thinking of what to do, then, it clicked! My neighbour! While I was driving out two weeks ago, she made mention of her husband buying a desktop phone for the home to enable them access the kids and home staffs when they are not home.

I found that a bit unnecessary but right now, everything seems necessary because my kids are not going to spend the night in the school environment. Not that I do not trust the school authority but you know we mothers na.

I scrolled through my phone, boom! I saw the number, I had reluctantly saved it that day because my kids also play a lot with my neighbour's kids, who knows? I might need it soon.

I called my neighbour’s home line and her eldest son picked the call. Frank, is your mummy home? He answered, yes, we just came back from school. Daniella and Donald are here too.

I took a deep breath and spoke more gently this time, could you pass the phone to Daniella? Woow... you can’t imagine the excitement I felt speaking to my daughter and hearing my son’s voice at the background.

My neighbour had helped me pick the kids up when she observed I hadn’t come for them after 5pm which was unusual. I felt like kissing her all over on the phone.

For my husband, he had a flat battery, he left the phone in the living room and went to the bedroom to sleep after a two weeks stretch work with less sleep.

You know, I don’t have to be told anymore before I know what to do! We are getting table phones for the family.

Imose Landline did the magic! We make conference calls with it and the battery lasts up to 10 days! And the best part is, it has omni-directional signal meaning, it can detect signal and work perfectly well even in the weakest signal area. We are cool with the 13 months warranty.

Smartphones are great but if you do not want to experience heart attack like I almost did, get quality and reliable desktop phones to do the magic.

Prevention is better than cure.

Christy Issah.


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