
The smart and wise 2016' husband

- 05:42
Imagine you do not have a job. Life is very difficult for you. Your wife needs money to replace finished food items. Your kids are home because their school fees have not been paid.

You came home one evening after a long search for a job on the streets of Lagos, getting home, instead of receiving a warm hug from your wife, she started out with listing the so many things that are no longer bearable for her in the marriage.

She said, "Look Mike, I am so tired of all this. This is not the life I bargained for. I am fed up! I do not think I can continue to suffer like this anymore. I quit! I give up!

Your house rent is almost due. The utility bills are not been paid in the last six months

Ouuuch, Mike, don't you think that there is everything you can do to remedy the situation before it gets to this?

Don't you think you can pay your kids school fees without having a 9am-5pm job?

Why are you very scared of taking a step?

Why do you have to wait till your wife loses faith in you?

As much as she believes in your dreams, she wants you to also "walk the walk" and not just talk the talk.

Honestly, this has gone beyond the government not creating employment opportunities and vice versa.

You can sit in the comfort of your home and make money. You just do not want to imagine a Christmas without food for the family.

What you need is much higher and better than a 9-5 job. Stop complaining and start asking the right questions and direct them to Esther Bliss.

Start making money with almost zero capital from the comfort of your home today.


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