
Who is a typical Nigerian?

- 04:03

One who answers a question with another question?

One who is quick to judge?

One who will not go out of his way, to make excuses for his neighbour?

One who believes that putting on trouser is a sin?

One who prefers to wake up their children with beating by 12am in the name of discipline?

One who dupes his fellow country man?

One who only wants a man for his money or who wants a lady only for her body?

One who depends on his brother abroad for survival?

Or one who doesn't have any form of dignity and integrity?

I keep hearing people attribute negative characteristics to being typically Nigerian.
The above applies to the entire human race.

A typical Nigerian to me, is someone who has dreams, who has an inquisitive mind. One who yearns for more, despite obvious environmental and societal hindrances. One who strives to be better. One who seeks to add value, who is empathic, who refrains from judging, because he is aware that there are sides to a story that he might not be aware of.
One who shares what he knows with his neighbour.

A lady who knows her worth and is striving to learn and help in creating a mind shift in her sphere of influence. A man who is making an effort to be a better husband to his wife, a better father to his children and a more selfless and valuable person to his society, than his father was.

One who gets discouraged and confused sometimes but has the words, 'e go beta' etched in his subconscious.

One who is willing to take risks and make investments to secure the future of his children.
One who realises that his parents' methods worked, but is taking steps to improve his parental skills because he is aware, that times have changed.

One who is innovative, has an entrepreneurial spirit and is taking necessary steps to defy the present economic situation.

One who knows his God, decides to carry his yoke and embrace the gift of freedom that salvation brings.

One who is so much more in definition and cannot be confined to a box. One who is intelligent enough to question 'conventional methods'- a purpose driven rebel and a fearless seed, rolled in one.

One who believes in love and the power it wields.

There is more to a typical Nigerian, than we know.

I'm a typical Nigerian and I'm proud of it.

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