
WHY PEOPLE ARE POOR 3 - Coach Toye Atobatele

- 21:00


Mismanagement is one of the major causes of poverty.

Poor people are generally wasters. They spend all they have riotously like the prodigal son. Poor people have the habit of wasting the little they earn.

Waste is the enemy of wealth. To stay away from being poor, one must avoid waste at all cost.

The spirit of waste makes people waste their time, opportunities, money, relationships, health,  lives, resources, etc.

Don't pretend to be who you are not.Don't buy what you can't avoid. Be content with what you have per time.

The surest way to remain in poverty and lack is to waste your resources.

Let's continue tomorrow.

Today, I declare your freedom from poverty. You're blessed. You're lifted, in Jesus name.

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