A lot of people live their lives randomly.They adopt the ill-belief of "live and let live".They never realize their lives is not only theirs but for humanity.They fail to realize their purpose on earth.
How do they realize their purpose when they know not what they've got?
Embark on a journey of self discovery.Identify the things that draws more attention or interest in you.Look at those acts and qualities that interests you whenever its been done or talked about.
You seem to have passion for these things.If there are a couple of them you have passion for,why not write them down on a paper.
Visualize yourself possessing those acts or qualities.Paint an imaginary picture of yourself.Identify which one(s) you fit in perfectly.Choose them wisely and say YES,this is it.
Congrats! You have at least identified something great in you.
Now let's take another turn,imagine yourself doing one of those things that you do with ease,without much stress that you find amazing or probably didn't give much thought.
Do you have an idea that not everyone has the ability to do the same thing the way you do?
Now how about that?
Do you now believe you have a special gift?.Good!!!
Some people do amazingly well in singing,writing,public speaking,sports of any kind,ministering,teaching,dancing,acting,fixing things,talking persuasively and a lot more.
You alone can discover yourself.Make a decision to discover yourself today and take a good turn to fulfilling your purpose on earth.
Stay blessed.
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