Marriage is potent. It is the basis for society.Anyone that has been around for a while must have heard at least once, that marriage is not a child’s play. It takes maturity and a good level of emotional intelligence to survive in there.
The potential problem many people will face in their marriages is to a large extent dependent on their definition of marriage and their reasons for wanting to get married.It’s a decision no one will take for you.
One issue common amongst some people getting ready to say “I do”, is finding out what “the lord said”. Some people, in the name of not wanting to marry the wrong person, go to seek the assistance of “men of God” and “prophets” to know if they should proceed and to know what the marriage holds. This is abdicating responsibility for marital choice. The decision to marry a person or not, is entirely yours. It is a pity that people will rather exercise faith in the words of a charlatan than seek the truth for themselves. This is laziness of some sorts- the willingness to base your entire life/destiny on the “opinion” of a prophet. Beware, not everything that is supernatural is of God.
When Shola started suspecting that Emeka was getting ready to “pop the question”, she went and told her mother about it. She was worried about the alarming rate of divorce among her friends and didn’t want to be a part of that statistic. Shola liked Emeka but she needed to be sure of what the future held and so, her mum took her to see a prophet. The prophet confirmed her fears and told her that a spiritual hurricane was going to hit Emeka few months after their getting married and it would affect his finances to the point where he would become a drunk and wife beater. Shola, out of fear broke off the relationship.
Emeka has been happily married for the past five years with no record of drunkenness or wife battering. Shola on the other hand, keeps going from one prophet to another requesting for prayers to be made on her behalf.
What many fake prophets do today is to leverage on the doubts and fears of their “clients”. Marriage is not something you go into afraid. You can’t afford not to be sure beyond reasonable doubt. You shouldn’t go into marriage afraid because it is supposed to be a manifestation of faith.
If you’re on the verge of getting married, then go to God in prayers. Know what his word says concerning you instead of going from one unscrupulous man of God to another. Listen to your heart because it always knows (I know this concept is alien to many Nigerians).
Your happiness in marriage is entirely your decision. You need the help of God to make the right choice so that you can be happy. The opposite of happiness in marriage is not unhappiness, but depression.
If you don’t want to join the statistic of unhappy marriages or the mechanically functioning but unhappy ones, then look at what exactly is in front of you because that is what you want to marry, not what you hope they’ll be.
Don’t sabotage your future by leaving the decision of who to marry in the hands of a prophet. These days, God speaks to us individually. If you have disturbing concerns and doubts that have nothing to do with your naturally cynic nature, then hold off getting married for a while. Speak to your partner and let him/her know your concerns. Whatever attitude or concerns you have should be resolved before saying your vows.
This is wishing you the best as you make the decision to embark on this journey the right way. Cheers.
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