

- 11:15

So a lot of times people get too busy to learn about something that could help them achieve their own dreams.

This is what Tony Robin's explains as 'Majoring on Minor'.

And the funny truth is we all key into this attitude one way or another.

*We want a better body build but can't spend 15 minutes per day to work out.

*We want to live longer but we don't have the time to learn about what our system really need so we keep self-medicating and other forms of health abuse.

*We want to break every chain of poverty through prayers, fasting, binding and casting,  yet completing a book about financial intelligence is worse than watching a 10 seasonal movie we dislike.

We are in a world where what is preached is 360° far away from what is actually done.

True achievement and Success starts in telling ourselves the truth.
We need to be truthful to ourselves always because we all live for ourselves and no one would be held accountable for another man's failure or success.

Take the challenge and start living intentionally today!

If it has to be,  it up to you!

#liveintentional #inspiration #motivation #positivemindset #positivefocus #achievepositiveresults #abundance #massivesuccess #mindset #successmindset #getstarted  #takethechallenge

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