
For every project you give up on, for every dream you abandon, it could be a breakthrough for a whole generation - Ayeblue Reflections

- 16:30

Over the week I stumbled on a quote while reading an article and it says ''you never know how close you are to success every time you fail''. That's inspiring isn't it?

You and I will agree that where failure is, the eminent figure frustration is inevitable.....stop!!!!

Let's digress a little you know the guy that invented the light bulb right?...... Thomas Edisson Now it will interest you to know that Thomas Edisson failed in his attempt 1,000 times in trying to invent the light bulb ..mehn !!!! That could be so frustrating!!!it's as frustrating as seeing your grandmother trying to fix a thread through a needle hole. Lols

Its as frustrating as writing same examination for 10 good years.

So you I kept wondering what kept Thomas going ? What was the driving force that kept him going despite failing?

I did a research and I found out during one of his interviews , the reporter asked '' Thomas, how does it feel to have failed a thousand times'' then he answered and said ''I did not fail a thousand times ,the light bulb was a thousand step ''. Wow!!! ....long story short ....Thomas is one of the reason why generations and generations of Nigerians shout UP NEPA!!!

You never know how close you are to success every time you fail because every time you fail you are actually moving a step close to success (as long as you keep improving )like Thomas said ''the light bulb is not a thousand failure but a thousand step. Here is a question for you:

What is your perspective about your situation ?

What do you see each time you fail that project?

What do you see each time you repeat a course in the university?

What do you see each time you repeat the same class?

Until you learn to change the way you look at things, the things you look at will never change.

What an ant sees as a mountain a human sees it as a pebble ........perspective !!!!

Quit asking the wrong questions. Stop asking ''what if it doesn't work, that is the wrongest question to ask because you never will know if it will work out if you don't try it first.

Remove the word doesn't and replace the question ........what if it works out? Well,what if it actually works out, I leave that to you to decide.

The reason why you keep failing is because of the uniqueness of what you are doing, the reason you keep failing is because no one is doing what you are doing. No one is putting more effort into it the way you would. No one is about to discover what you are about to discover if you will give up.

Lastly, always remember that your life is not enough reason for your life , the reason why you are on earth is far more bigger than the reason why you think you are because for every project that you give up on , for every idea that you trash ,for every dream that you abandoned it could be a breakthrough for a whole generation.

Your single idea of could create job opportunities for millions and millions of people. Don't give up because at every point where you give up you you might be a step away from success .

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