
Staying happy and tickled

- 07:22

One of the things you should not allow around you is negativity.

Do not trade your peace, positive energy and vibes for anything.

Negative people do not even know that they are negative, they just feel that is who they are. And you should take them for who they are.

Nonetheless, there are times you just cannot completely deal with people like that in your life largely because they are blood or closely related to you.

In that case, find a way around getting off them while maintaining friendliness, peace and affection towards them.

Discover and maintain what keeps you in strong positive mood without suppressing or pilling up anger or hate for them.

Call and DISCUSS matters like this because the obvious is this, negativity brings out the unproductive part of you. Negativity stalls your growth and progress.

One of the best gifts you can give yourself is a gift of peace and positivity.


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