
What was the worst relationship experience you've had but you're glad you had it? by Ife Popoola

- 15:18

Ife Popoola, a Cloud Infrastructure Engineer writes,

9 years ago I had a car accident that put me in the hospital for 4 months. The doctors told my dad that I’d probably never walk again. My boyfriend at the time heard this.

That was the last time he came to the hospital. It got so bad that I wouldn't hear from him all day until about 5–6pm in the evening asking, ‘So how are you today?’

I had actually decided that if I really didn't walk again, I'll break up with him so that he's not obligated to stick with me. Little did I know that I didn't even have to do that.

He was in flight mode already. I ended the relationship because it was obvious I had become a daily task for him to ‘check on’.

He said I was feeling sorry for myself. I mean here I was, 20 years old with a slim to no chance of ever walking again. I dropped from 121 pounds to 96 pounds, I had a laceration on my head that got half my hair shaved off to be stitched and had to wear a neck collar for a very long time. I was borderline depressed.

I think that was the beginning of my trust issues. I grew up fast.

I did leave the hospital, walked again, finished college, got my masters, became an Oracle DBA, switched to Cloud computing and i’m strutting in heels today.


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