
How can I stop overthinking and take action more quickly? - 3

- 17:00

Very practical.

I am extremely ambitious and hard working but I waste a lot of time overthinking what I plan to do before actually doing it. I am talking about projects but also daily things.
I am having a hard time passing from thinking to doing. I have no spontaneity. It frustrates me.


I once heard there are two types of people:

1. Drivers

2. Navigators

Obviously, the world is rarely so black and white, but if we look at these two items as a scale, you're closer to the navigator side.

You think of every possibility. You analyze things to death. You think and re-think. Have you ever considered that maybe that's what you are supposed to do?

The world needs people like you. I need people like you. Don't discount who you are and how you think.

Okay, now here's how to get more done:

Surround yourself with do-ers

This is difficult. You will want to just be with people like you.

There's a woman on my team who drives me crazy. She runs through every possibility. She asks 97 questions about everything I'm trying to do. When I just want to get something launched, she pumps the brakes at every turn.

And I love her so much.

Without her, all my projects would be out quicker, but they'd have holes in them.

I'm starting to think extraordinary success doesn't necessarily come from being the most well-rounded person. Maybe it comes from being yourself, no matter how flawed you think that is, and then finding people who compliment you.

Don't discount who you are. You're a planner.

So plan.


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