Is been awesome in 2016 but is a certainty that 2017 is going to be more awesome.
Towards the end of the year 2016, I was certain of what and all I need to do or be doing in 2017 for massive results. I had already started drafting my goals and resolutions. I have started reading books and digesting materials to equip me for the games ahead. I was so certain that before the end of December 2016, I should have completed my new year goals.
Well, as at this morning, I have not completed it and am yet to go back to review it but then, I have been reading like my life depends on it.
In the past few years, I have adopted a style of dedicating a diary for the year's activity. As the year progresses, I tick the goals I have achieved and appraise myself.
Often times, I have met the goals by 90% and then, I carry over the remaining 10% to the new year with bigger and better plans. That has been the secret to my success in business and career.
Back to us...
Are you at this point where you feel you don't know what to put up on your resolution plans for the year?
Do you know that when you write down resolutions, you don't just write them to impress, you write them because they are your action plans for the year and it is suppose to be used as a guide to achieve your dreams?
Someone told me one day that his new year resolution was to know God and serve him better and that he cannot afford a diary because it will propel him to pen down hurts and betrayals.
In my heart, I was like, this is really ridiculous but then, I discovered he was only being sincere with himself.
We have the wrong perception over maximising the use of a diary for the purpose of writing down our plans/resolutions.
Before you start building a house, you need the services of an architect to help you convert your imaginative designs to graphics. If he does not interpret your designs properly, the mason, carpenters, bricklayers would not just mess up with the materials, they would not also be able to give you the best of their services.
So, as an awesome being that you are, get down to business by writing down your resolutions for the year 2017. I prefer to call it ACTION PLANS for the year.
It is not fair that you are still on the same salary scale for more than a year.
It is not fair that your business has been doing badly.
It is not fair that no one wants to be your friend.
It is not fair that you keep doing all you do without support
It is not fair that you keep dong all you do in the same manner year after year.
It is not fair that you keep blaming the government for all your problems.
It is not fair that you keep blaming your father, mother, uncle, aunt and your environment year after year.
It is not fair that you keep blaming all the dark forces for your poverty.
What exactly do you want from life?
How do you want to go about it?
What are you demanding from the year 2017?