
Key Lesson from my trip to Jos

- 03:44

When I was informed that the NLP class was moved to Abuja instead of Jos, I could not help but feel sad.

I remembered Tony Robbins teaching on intentionality of the moment and I was like, this guy is talking himself. I mean, how do I see the good in this?

I called up Coach Sam Sameko and he also told me to see the good in it. Hahahahaha, honestly, I wasn’t ready for all these seeing good in it. I was already imagining how I’m going to spend a whole week in Jos completely bored.

Sensing my mood, Coach Sam thought it best to speak with me in the morning when I would have “calmed down”

Great, he called in the afternoon! I sat down at the eatery jejely  on my own and I saw him walk in with Mr Walter Samuel. OMG! He was one of the trainers I enjoyed his session at PUSH. As if that was not enough, he gifted me kwulikwuli which later became my night companion. Lols because I chew it every night before I go to bed. He is an amazing man. He introduced me to some powerful persons including Manny and Daniel who are into bead-making and shoe-making respectively. Now, 
I don’t have a choice to be “useless”in and outside Jos.

The next few days was spent with this awesome young man Solomon David. He practically made my stay an exciting one. We went for fruits and Anya shopping. He taught me to eat locusts, can you imagine?

He bombarded me with so many e-books, audios and videos of great teachings from coaches in different fields. Now, those are resource materials I could have actually paid lot of money to get.

King Solomon, my official lover for years to come, thank you and much kisses.

Mr Jeremiah is another awesome being I met. Sitting down and talking about lot of things in his office, ranging from NLP expectations to our likeness for agriculture was great. I got to meet two of his dogs for sale. Contact him for the best dog species.

Finally, on Saturday, I had an aaha moment with this yet amazing woman. She is Sunni Mallo. We were to meet over a business proposal, but then, we ended up spending  over 3 hours! Can you believe that?

Shebi, if it were to be Lagos now, business places won’t be closing before 8pm? * Eyes Rolling* 

Well, I won’t share our gist because I am yet to recover from it. Infact, I do not wish to recover from 

In the last 11 months, I have been to about 10 states and Jos trip stood out for me. Jos Trip turned out to be my best trip of the year. I was unlearning and learning.

I also spent time at my friend’s poultry. He started out with 5,000 birds. He gets nothing less than 90 crates of eggs per day as at today. That’s a heavy package.

By February 2017, our farm will kick off officially. To all naturalista, nutritionista, organicsta, Watch out for fresh vegetables, eggs, chicken, fish and plantain.

At the beginning, I only imagined, wished and desired these awesome people around me.

At the end of the day, all things really do happen for good!




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